Saturday, March 14, 2009

To Adam and Alyssa.

So I am super behind on the Blogging. First off Adam's Birthday was on Feb 20.
This picture is great. Tyler and Adam took turns posing to get this picture.

What do these look like?

I made Adam some sushi cupcakes. Only three. They took forever to make. the outside, or the sea weed is ManĂ¡ which is a marzipan substitution. It tastes like Sugar cookie dough. Then the cupcake inside is chocolate with cream cheese frosting. The fish in the middle is swedish fish. And of course, there is sprinkles covering the entire cupcake to resemble rice. I think next time for the Sea Weed I am going to do green fruit roll-ups instead. It would be easier.

And on March 8 was Alyssa's birthday. She turned 16. Which was pretty intense. Ronda, my mother in law, made her an amazing peach pie with cream cheese in it. It was delicious. And I made her some cookies and cream cupcakes. Her party was fun. I love my in-laws.


michael. mindy. dane. said...

Are you crazy? Afton has a blog

Mower Family said...

You seriously need to open a cupcake shop where you special order cupcakes for people. What a talented little sister-in-law I have!

Bek said...

Those sushi cupcakes were awesome! I can't wait until my birthday, around memorial weekend, so you will have to bring some awesome cupcakes camping with us!