Monday, May 11, 2009

Laffy Taffy.

This indeed, is a rose made out of Laffy Taffy. I got a little bored one day. And why does my hand have so many wrinkles in it? Seriously.


Grant and Candice said...

Stop making up lies and update your blog once in a while.

Grant and Candice said...

Dude. This is Mindy. Mindy from JCP. Maybe you remember me. I'm signed in as my sister and I don't want to sign out. Sorry. Don't be freaked out. It's just me.

michael. mindy. dane. said...

It's called long-term subbing. Ever heard of it? Maybe you should be aware of the fact that I have a job for next year. And stop acting like you asked me to hang out recently. You didn't. Sorry I'm not in to kitchen stores. Maybe you should get a 7 Peaks pass so you can go with me every day this summer. I'll probably just move in. Were you creeped out by my Grant and Candice comment or what.