Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Late 24th of July

Tyler and I went to this awesome family reunion to a cabin just outside of Altamont the week of the 24th of July. The cabin was amazing. It had a pool, hot tub, sand volleyball, a rockwall, fire pit, a game room. Tons of stuff. It was amazing. I loved it. Tyler's entire extended family went. I hadn't met everyone, because a lot of them live out of state. So I got to meet basically everyone at this reunion. The Romneys have way awesome family reunions.

I love this picture of Spencer. He was just really happy he found that rock.

And Tyler playing footballAnd- I made this cake for the 24th.


michael. mindy. dane. said...

Do you want me to comment 100 times so you can stop whining about it? Let's go the The Proposal. I can't go tomorrow night, but maybe Friday. Do you want to or what. I have a neighborhood BBQ tomorrow. Don't hate. You can come if you want. Even bring Ty. Michael won't be there, though. Or you can just come help me in my classroom. It looks like a bomb went off. Cool. Maybe if you're ever in the mood to hang out we can go to the movie and get popcorn. I am in love with movie popcorn. I could eat it every time I go to the movies. And I do.

michael. mindy. dane. said...

Oh. And you never text me either, so don't point the finger at me. Don't you know that 4 fingers are pointing back at you? Maybe if you weren't so obssesed with decorating your desk you could take time to text.

michael. mindy. dane. said...

And did you see The Office last week or what. I can't get over Andy's hunting outfit and Dwight asking him if a little bit of blood rushed into his penis. It was embarrassing. And don't ever use the P-word again. I can't believe you. Gross.

Ashlex... said...

Love this cake too. so pretty :) can we bake together sometime? Where are you living these days bytheway?