Monday, November 23, 2009

New Moon + Thrice

At work I did New Moon Week to get ready for the Premiere. Everyday I did a handout, quote, and Activity. It was so fun. Last week was awesome.


A twizzler with a "blood" quote. It's the only quote I could find by googling. I was a little behind Monday.

Activity: New Moon Word Search


a glittery snowflake since Edward glitters in the s
Wasn't this so appropriate for the first seen in New Moon??? I didn't even know it was going to be in the movie.

Activity: New Moon Word Scrambler


Conversation hearts... Because??? Jacob gave them to
her for her Valentines Day. And, the quote from Jacob.

Activity: New Moon Trivia (they ask questions at the premiere and give out gifts. We had to get prepared!)
And since I got everyone brushed up on their trivia, 2 out of the 9 people in our group won prizes. Me being one of them. I got an Alpine Home Health Bag, pencil, pen, notepad, New Moon Magazine and $5 gift card to the theater.


Mini cupcake with blood drizzled on them for the day of the release. Since Bella gets a papercut, and blood runs down her arm when Edward throws her backwards. See? Totally appropriate.

Activity: New Moon Crossword Puzzle


A "blood sucker". I even colored them the color of blood. Sorry, The lighting is bad.

Activity- Match the Phrase to the Character

And Finally the Premiere. We went to The Payson Theaters. When we got there, there were a ton of people lined up for the midnight showing in the freezing cold. The people in the front of the line had been there since noon. Good thing they had Sleeping bags.

Oh- and New Moon was awesome! It was definitely better than Twilight. It had a bigger budget, and the directing was a lot better as well as the acting!. I do have a bone to pick. Why is everyone going Team Jacob just because Jacob busts out his six pack? I've heard, "Edward is a white pasty vampire and Jacob is tan and muscley." Well... Edward was also a white pasty vampire in the book if you don't recall. And everyone was Team Edward then. And we all know what happens at the end. Edward gets the girl. So I'll be sticking with Team Edward.

P.S. Jacob's face is not attractive.

All the Girls

And, I came home to Flowers from Tyler. Not once, But TWICE this week.
First two dozen roses on Wednesday.

Then, mini calla lilies on Friday

By the way, Tyler does work at a wholesale flower company. :)

Friday we wen to the Thrice Concert. The Lead guitarist Teppei had an emergency so the concert was kind of cut short. They just had different road techs bouncing in and out.

And... Drum roll please... Since I am now 21 we got to watch the concert from the balcony. So much better then down on the floor, no pushing. Minus the profane language I heard all night since the balcony is where all the drunks are. It was maybe a little entertaining.


michael. mindy. dane. said...

You are SERIOUSLY out of control. I can't believe you did all that work for premier week. And then you didn't even give your opinion on the movie. Which I haven't even seen yet. I always want to do crazy stuff like a treat and an activity for every day, but then I remember I'm way too lazy. And it doesn't happen.

Spencer said...

Dude seriously, every day? That's pretty dedicated. That's awesome that you guys went to Thrice, i heard about it on Facebook, but then I forgot about it.

Hailie said...

I didn't get a cupcake or a "blood sucker" NOT cool. I kinda agree about J's face, but I still think I am going to be on team Jacob, but only because of the lack of cupcakes sent to AF.

Ashlex... said...

You crack me up. I love you! Blood sucker haha :) I love it.

michael. mindy. dane. said...

You don't even know what you're talking about. After the movie, I am totally Team Jacob. Edward is lame and awkward and annoying. And he only got the girl because Stephenie Meyer wanted to please the public. Which, by the way, is bad writing. Caving to peer pressure. Please. How old is she?? 12?

Teresa Hill said...

Amanda...You are just so cool!
I miss you girl!!!!