Friday, February 19, 2010

Fabric Flowers

I have had a new obsession lately. Ever since I went to Nordstrom and they were doing a felt fabric brooch workshop (it was more like a table and you just made one) I have been obsessed with Fabric Flowers. I actually bought one at the Beehive Bazaar. But they are so easy and inexpensive to make. Here are some of the ones I've made this week.

Here is the tutorial. It's so easy. All you need is a glue gun and one-inch strips of fabric about 3-4 feet long. I'm thinking I am going to get feathers and glue on one side of the rosette.

Oh, and I made the zebra skirt. My Mom had to hold my hand basically for every stitching, but it got finished.


Anita said...

i love this tutorial,looks like we did have the same one. lol i just made ava three of these this week for her hair. oh and the zebra skirt. much love for it here.

Bek said...

Look how talented you are. You must be making your mom proud. You both are two of the craftiest people I know. I didn't get that in my Rose DNA. Oh well! =)

Fred said...

Love the skirt! I was wondering if you had finished it or not!

Trevor and Afton said...

That is way fun, I think I am going to go out on a limb and try to make some. Don't know how successful I will be since I am not creative and can hardly make anything besides dinner. :) But sounds fun, and it turns out so cute!

michael. mindy. dane. said...

Let me try to break it down for you. It's cool. I was confused at first too.

So tomorrow my blog will be private. So the thedfam3.blogspot blog will not be private, but it will be my blog. Whenever I update on my regular (private) blog, I will put a post on the pre-blog that basically just tells you I updated my blog. Does that make more sense? So if on your blog list you put in the pre-blog address, you will still see when I update (since private blogs don't show updateds on your blog list). Does that make more sense? Do I need to go into more detail for you? Sheesh. Relax. Just go to your blog list and put in the pre-blog address. Everything will take care of itself from there.

Oh. And give me a flower. Right now.

michael. mindy. dane. said...

Get over yourself and make me a flower already.