Sunday, February 8, 2009

Stop the Rain. We are going to flood.

So we almost had a little flooding problem. It was on Jan 24. Tyler and I came home from Dinner, and with the snow melting and all the rain, we were having a little problem. It was at around 11:30pm and our rug in our entry way was wet. The water was leaking in. So we went outside, and found a broken snow shovel, and a garbage can. Yes, the white one in the picture. I scooped up the water in the garbage can, walked across the lawn and dumped it where the lawn slanted downward while Tyler flung it with a snow shovel. It took an hour and a half but we got it off the cement. Here are all my footprints. Luckily that night it snowed, and froze all the water. And I guess it just slowly disappeared because it's not there anymore.
When we woke up, It was back the way it was the night before. but luckily, this time we got a pump to pump the water out so we didn't have to do it by hand. We have sand bags lined up on our porch now. You know, similar to a bomb shelter. We are keeping them there just in case.

Oh, why hello Awesome Hawaii shoes and awesome Tyler.

Besides our flooding, Tyler does work in the flower business for a wholesale flower dealer, so I haven't really seen him too much being almost Valentines. And Valentines = Flowers. Do you know they double the price of roses for Valentines Day? No thanks on the roses. Maybe just some new shoes or a coat would be fine.

Oh, and I have been watching some great shoes lately. Oh, and I have caught up on all my favorite TV Shows lately. I love Ugly Betty! It is so funny. I love Amanda and Mark, not just because she has the same name as me, but because she plays her part so well. I love it.

Oh, and then there is Flight of the Conchords. So Funny.

1 comment:

michael. mindy. dane. said...

The water situation is pretty tragic. I've had the ashpalt pie, I like the concrete better. We minused the chocolate and added caramel and it was divine. I'm still waiting on my cupcakes. and I need your address so I can bring you Valentine cookies