Monday, October 19, 2009

Won't you take me to Spooky Town...

Remember when I said This is my next project? Well, here it is! It's not completely finished but here is what is done so far. Tyler and I built the Platform. We still are going to make sidewalks and a swamp.

Forlorn Cemetery & Mortuary

Haunted Hearse
The Scare-ousel

The Pumpkin Patch

1 comment:

michael. mindy. dane. said...

You are out of control. I can't believe you have a New Moon countdown on your blog. That's embarrassing. Wasn't Twilight bad enough? I don't know if I can stomach another bad movie with bad make-up and bad lines and bad-looking Edward and bad acting and bad news movieness. I can't believe you have that spook town. That's crazy. My house is a spook town because I'm too lazy to clean it. So my whole house is scary. Beat that, weirdo. Have you seen Where the Wild Things Are or what?