Monday, June 29, 2009


I bought rollerblades. I use to ride them all the time when I was little. I was really craving riding them. So I got them in the mail today and was so excited to go ride them. I put them on and Tyler was going to skateboard aside me while I rollerbladed up the road. I put my rollerblades on and once I stood up on the cement it was like I was learning how to walk again. Tyler had to hold me while I acted as if I was trying to catch myself from slipping on a wet surface. Constantly. He made me where my helmet. I felt like I was four. My plan for the trails above our house was a little advanced for today. I just stuck with practicing in the driveway. Today I have accomplished riding across the driveway, and turning. Not yet how to brake. I guess I'll have to stick with flat surfaces until then.


michael. mindy. dane. said...

Dude. Just tip your foot back to brake. Get ahold of yourself. I will get my rollerblades from my mom's so we can go together. I want to see The Proposal. Let's go as soon as Michael goes on a fire. Don't call me selfish. You are selfish for not letting me go private so you can dink around at work instead of check in the pregnant people. And are you pregnant yet or what. I still need to get a Dwight bobblehead for my desk at school. School will be here before you know it. Maybe you can give me some ideas on how to decorate my classroom. Maybe you can also give me some ideas on what to make for dinner tonight, because I'm fresh out of recipes. Maybe you can also tell me where you live so I can come visit you and see your place. Just an idea.

Ashley & Dak Eldredge said...

me and dak are movin over to snow im gonna start school over there! how are you doin hun??

Hailee and Chet said...

Oh do i miss the days of the good ole Rollerblades I honestly still have mine from when I was younger whether they fit is a complete mystery but im bettin on No Ha.