Saturday, June 27, 2009

This week...

This little cutie turned 6 yesterday. He's one of my adorable nephews. I can't believe he is already 6. I lived with him last summer and we'd read Wall-E before he went to bed. He's such a good reader. I can't believe it's already been a year.

Yesterday I had the day to myself. I didn't have to work and Tyler did, So I first got up and did P90X. I am so sore today from it.

Afterward, I went to the pool in Spanish Fork and tried to get a little color. It was so nice.

I then went and saw the proposal. It was so so cute. I loved it so much. I definitely am going to buy it when it comes out. Rotten Tomatoes gave it like a 49%. I don't even know why because it was amazing. I want to see it again. I love days when I just hang out with myself. I usually go up to Salt Lake and shop on days like this, but I decided not to this week. Maybe I will next Friday while Tyler is at work.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Aiden is only 6 manda! Don't make him any older than what he is! ha ha!