Sunday, November 30, 2008

27 things I'm grateful for

Tagged by Mindy.

Oh, and Min, that name was retired once Jose moved to Texas!

1. Tyler!
2. My awesome parents. They are willing to do anything for me.
3. My funny brothers
4. My sister. I can tell her anything!
5. Mt Awesome In-laws.. Oh how I love Tyler's parents and sisters. And my brothers wife Laura!
6.The Church
7. The Temple
8. Our Apartment
9. My hyper friends
11. A computer and the internet
12. Books
13. Food
14. Cars and Mechanics
15. My Job
16. Laughing
17. Cell phones
18. Education
19. Clothes
20. Shoes
21. The Snow
22. Hobbies
23. Google
24. Pictures
25. A bed. Actually a comfortable bed.
26. My Ipod. It has saved me from hours of boredom.
27. T.V.

I tag Amber, Becky, H-Law, Stef

1 comment:

michael. mindy. dane. said...

I didn't even know you had a sister. that's embarrassing