Sunday, June 19, 2011

I can't really even describe how sad I am that Steve Carrell left the Office. I do understand why he left. He needs to keep his reputation. Let's face it, the Office is on Season 7. 7! It's about time for them to bring it to and end. They should have just stopped it after Steve Carrell announced he was leaving. I can't even believe NBC is trying to keep it going.

I cannot even bring myself to watch the Office now that Steve Carrell has left. I couldn't have thought of a worst person to bring onto the show, then Will Ferrell. Will Ferrell is the second most annoying actor, right next to the guy who plays Borat. He plays the same character in nearly every movie, a pervert, with the exception of Elf. He's not even funny, he's just crude. Don't get me wrong, I watch crude things. But he's not funny so I can't excuse his crudeness. He totally ruined it for me. I did hear he may just be temporary. Maybe he's just guest starring. Maybe Dwight will be the next Michael Scott? I guess I have to give it some time, then I will finish up the episodes.
On another note, May I say how funny Parks and Recreation is? P&R is directed by the same people as the Office. It's definitely in my top 3 favorite TV shows. I can't really decide which in my favorite between Parks & Rec, Dexter, and Breaking Bad. I really can't think of anyone that doesn't play their part to perfection. I suppose they could technically replace Ann (Rashida Jones). Her character is pretty universal and could be played by anyone. But Amy Poehler is the perfect star role. I can't even believe that she is married to Will Arnett from Arrested Development. They have to be the funniest couple in the history of.... Funny couples??? I always try to make people watch Parks and Rec because it's so funny! I love to laugh. If anyone has some amazingly funny TV shows, please let me know.

So Tyler and I both have been commuting to Utah County for work. We wake up at 5:30am, Monday through Friday. It can get really tiresome. We will be moving to Covered Bridge Canyon in a couple weeks. Covered Bridge Canyon is just off of Highway 6 in a little gated community right before those giant wind mills. We will basically be house sitting Tyler's grandparents house while they live in Montana for a couple of years. It works out for us, we will be able to save for a house while living there. Since we will be living in a house, I was thinking... Drum roll please....

I want to get a dog. I guess I should say I am very specific on the dog I want. I want a yellow lab that will grow to be really big. I want him to have a boxy head. His name will be Dexter. Yes, Dexter from the TV show. I did say I loved that TV show!

When I was younger my neighbors had this dog name Max. He's in the picture below. It's not the best picture, but it's the only one I really have. He was yellow, big with a boxy head. He was a very friendly, hyper dog. Yes, he had a very loud, powerful bark... Some people hated it, but I loved it. When my neighbors moved to the other side of town Max would always find his way back to our house. He was basically our dog because he was there all the time! In a sense, he was like a doorbell. He would bark whenever someone came over. Well, he was poisoned which broke my heart. I loved that dog. He was a really good looking dog too.


Paige said...

You're moving to Grandma and Gramps house!??!!! Somehow I thought I was gonna do that!!?>>!>?!?!!??! Hahah that will be fun for ya! maybe i'll still come visit "G&G" and make cupcakes with you :) someday.

Hillary said...

You are pretty much
I totally agree with you about The Office. It needs to end if Steve Carrell is gone. I don't think its funny anymore. Good thing I have every season on my Netflix instant-streaming!

Anita said...

hey what happen to your challenge???and i still havent watched the office, but I think I will start it on netflix. :) and I agree with you on Will, he is annoying, sometimes funny, but more so annoying. Usually I only watch his films because I love the other actors. ;) good times.

The Christensen's said...

Mandy I totally agree that Will Ferrel always plays the same character (besides elf) and that he is horrible! Jordan loves him, which i hate, but he doesn't watch his shows with me thank goodnees. What makes me really sad is that just last spring we started watching The Office on Netflix and i started to like it!!! I never appreciated it until last spring and now its basically over. Sad day for the office :( ps that would be so cool if you got a dog!